Monday 10 December 2012

wip - blocking of tony walker with skateboard trick 1

Hello every one ,

I am glad that i am doing preety well with animation bit . I think that by now  I can also try my hands as an animator when times comes to enter industry . Its not that difficult the way i thought about it in year 1 and 2 . Its Preety easy the only thing you have to make sure the concept and what to key where and how .. preety obvious and very staright forward procedure .. Some tutorials really confuse the beginners but as time goes its really easy and fun doing it .

Further as a result I am heading over to the 1st part almost there with blocking bit spline mode ..

here is the camera and perspective view play blast of my wip blocking

I hope that this is going in a right direction! .. I have 3 more days and my goal  is to cover the major parts of blocking by 14th.  so that I attach all the bits of blocking and its ready atleast that much that ricky my clients gets the over view or the idea of how the final bit is going to look. This is what so far i have done with tony walker .. get ready to see him finished and rendered and editted soon ...#

Thanks XXX



Thursday 6 December 2012

latest update of tony walker

Hello people ,
Since my last update I have moved to blocking animation . But Until I reach the blocking part .. I  faced hell lot of problems in it . Like 1. When i was using maya 2011 the renders just dont work . I still dont know why . It always gave me an error in task manager when ever I tried doing mental ray It says @ Not responding and the frustrating part is it just does this only with the file  on which i am working on  .I tried all my best by  cleaning up mesh , delete history , optimize and many more . But nothing worked out well  and then i finlly thought to try doing it in maya 2013 and it just worked fine but I Almost wasted lot of time here . But the good think was I was ready with my  character to animate . But like said  i switched to maya 2013 my paint weights , blendshapes  and some parts of rig were disturbed and destroyed and deformed and dead .. Gosh it was all here and there .
Tried All my best and just didnt loose the hope 

I did paint weights , and blocking for almost  2 times everything all over again but the issue kept recurring . So I took help from one of my friend and he sorted the paint weights   issue for me Finally!!!!! . and for the third time I finally blocked my character  with the skate board . Some issues are just left unknown but for now it has resolved .. I am definitely going to  sit with my tutor or research on what the problems was and will try to figure it out once the project is finished .

After all the pain of doing things again and again .. I have done 3 seconds blocking of my character  on skateboard .. This is an inbetween blocking  sequence of the animation part 1 

Thanks a lot to  all who helped me to reach here with this project ..

Looking forward to finish 70 % of blocking  part by 14th december  and final edit part by 11th jan 

Thanks for reading 

Remember me in your prayers !

Sunday 18 November 2012

My favorite Moment with my character Tony walker ...- Drawing should not let you pull down-

Hello friends , family and all my blog followers ,

I thought I really want to share this moment with you .Today I am almost there with my successful satisfying character .I made a poster which almost satisfies my need .. I spend my lot of time in it . Only because I want that piece of work to be perfect ... I really Like what I did . And the moment I kinda saw the character poster in full screen I just gave a thought. yes! I can be an animator, I can be a modeler, I can be in this industry and I can actually try for disney . All this work isnt that great to fulfil disney needs . But for the project for RJDM I am serving proper needs for this   .. In my 1st year I really thought that I m not made for this becoz I wasnt good in drawing I am still not that good .. But Practice make man perfect and I am getting there slowly . I want to try some more posters for this character with diffrents style and deside one finally but this is what I did for now and I really liked it ! Well when I put on my uni page . Where My other course mates told me some errors and corrections to do .. Possibly I am Going to do that soon ..

Here is what I have done so far justice with Tony walker ! This was really emotional for me :

character with background

character pose

Thursday 15 November 2012

Blitz games studio - Open day Participation - A decision which will make me perfect !

Hey people 
I got a news from uni about 2 weeks back about blitz game studio openday in northampton, uk.This open day is more about to know the studioinside story ,Know V V I P 's, get knowledge and learn new things . But to get the invitation for this Open day I have to serve the condition that I have to choose a brief from given list and produce that as to get the invitation . If they like my work they will be sending me the invitation. So I decided I got to do this and I want to go here . Perhaps , This is a challenge to myself more than fulfilling there condition . I have already started my work and  I have choosed "modelling brief" in which I am making a troll character . I have started modeling the character . The character will be like a wild species kinda gorilla , a muscular one . Where I can also  study what mud box and z brush can do for building muscles.  And I am doing this Also because , I never got chance to deal with Muscular character in university projects . So I thought I can do this and Also learn new stuff from it. As I will be having additional benefits from it  . This is going to be Very detailed character as much as possible . I am not only doing this for blitz game studio open day participation but also want to do this as a part of my portfolio . As I am looking forward to be a modelling artist . And Its very important to show that you are very good with anatomy you got to be involved in various organic and non organic stuff...  so ,This is my step 1 for it ..

Pictures and snap shots will be coming up soon ...

Thanks  for reading 

Stay connected ! 

Tony walker's All Wireframe

more modelling with clear lights

Final Grey mesh Model "Tony walker "

I m really happy with what I have produced so far ! .. I have tried my hand on many new techniques with this modeling project . Mainly the attraction of character really came up because of the way its hair is modelled . I used polygon planar extrude tecnhique . While I was doing this At a point I felt like I am goint wrong when i was making each hair strand and putting it in place .. I was at a stage where I thought i will delete all strands and make again .. but I didnt I thought I will decide when it finishes and then decide abt it .. I am realy happy and glad that i didnt delete it ! and use normal cube to build the hair .. Giving details really gives a good output!

Thanks a lot ! 

::) soon will update the texture version ! wait and keep looking ! 

love u all  .. please comment !

Monday 5 November 2012

Character modelling updates

According to the schedule .. I should be finishing modelling by 6th So far I have modelled my character .. Its very close to finish line ...

here it is ... 

Thursday 1 November 2012

WIP character modelling for RJDM Professional brief

Main body structure .. Its still without clothes and head .. Work in progress ...

Will be updating the clothes , shoes , head .soon ! stay tuned ! :)

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Professional Brief - RJDM - WIP-"The TON"

Hi People !
Schedule for my RJDM Studio Professional Brief :
Above is the schedule of the project I am preparing for :
I am pretty much up to date with schedule I have made for this project . Like I gave 2 weeks for design and concept and 6 -7 weeks for animation and building character and background process.

My Inspiration - Kim possible , American dragon , Ben 10
Softwares used - Photoshop cs3, Maya 2011, Autodesk sketchbook Designer

Below is all my sketch and concept work .

Character  Profile

Production Name : NS-Toon  Productions
Character Name : Tony Walker  a.k.a  "Ton"
Gender: Male
Age : 10 yrs old
Likes : Dancing
Dislikes :seniors Ragging Juniors in school
Born And lives  - England( His dad was from England )
Bought  up In- India ( Mom from India
Who is he - Super hero - A secret member of School's anti Ragging squad                                    
Powers - Really fast.
Mission :To Save Kids in his school from been victim of Ragging and getting bullied or  harassment
Gadgets: and has cool gadget (mysterious Neck less and Nitrous  skate board)
Hair Colour :Black( to give Indian look )
Eye Colour :Blue( to give British look )

 Above are the different styles or costume . But I choose harem loose pants  which is very close to typical Indian dhotar because i want my character have some Indian look . so I am making him dressed in a Indian wear but a little modern way . As he is a super hero and lives in England which also kind of matches the trend .

These are some character facial expression sketches . which will also help me while I do blend shapes .

Above were all the main designs sketched .will be adding up some more ...

Below are some color version :

Above  are different shapes of eyes :

Head with and without mask look- Planning to include part 1 story without mask and part 2 with mask i school(action scene )

Character color scheme 1:
Color scheme 2
I am thinking to go for the third option of yellow . Waiting for the approval .

below are the very Initial story boards .
This will be of 20 seconds - 10 seconds each  part

Part 1

Part 2

Its not all .. continue .....

According to the schedule I should be building Character and I am almost ready with the main body modelling in Maya . Until 6th November I will be ready with this . 

Below is wip of modelling in Maya

Sketch reference used for modelling in Maya 

Modelling main body and legs 

To be continued...... 
Thanks :)