Thursday 6 December 2012

latest update of tony walker

Hello people ,
Since my last update I have moved to blocking animation . But Until I reach the blocking part .. I  faced hell lot of problems in it . Like 1. When i was using maya 2011 the renders just dont work . I still dont know why . It always gave me an error in task manager when ever I tried doing mental ray It says @ Not responding and the frustrating part is it just does this only with the file  on which i am working on  .I tried all my best by  cleaning up mesh , delete history , optimize and many more . But nothing worked out well  and then i finlly thought to try doing it in maya 2013 and it just worked fine but I Almost wasted lot of time here . But the good think was I was ready with my  character to animate . But like said  i switched to maya 2013 my paint weights , blendshapes  and some parts of rig were disturbed and destroyed and deformed and dead .. Gosh it was all here and there .
Tried All my best and just didnt loose the hope 

I did paint weights , and blocking for almost  2 times everything all over again but the issue kept recurring . So I took help from one of my friend and he sorted the paint weights   issue for me Finally!!!!! . and for the third time I finally blocked my character  with the skate board . Some issues are just left unknown but for now it has resolved .. I am definitely going to  sit with my tutor or research on what the problems was and will try to figure it out once the project is finished .

After all the pain of doing things again and again .. I have done 3 seconds blocking of my character  on skateboard .. This is an inbetween blocking  sequence of the animation part 1 

Thanks a lot to  all who helped me to reach here with this project ..

Looking forward to finish 70 % of blocking  part by 14th december  and final edit part by 11th jan 

Thanks for reading 

Remember me in your prayers !

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