Monday 10 December 2012

wip - blocking of tony walker with skateboard trick 1

Hello every one ,

I am glad that i am doing preety well with animation bit . I think that by now  I can also try my hands as an animator when times comes to enter industry . Its not that difficult the way i thought about it in year 1 and 2 . Its Preety easy the only thing you have to make sure the concept and what to key where and how .. preety obvious and very staright forward procedure .. Some tutorials really confuse the beginners but as time goes its really easy and fun doing it .

Further as a result I am heading over to the 1st part almost there with blocking bit spline mode ..

here is the camera and perspective view play blast of my wip blocking

I hope that this is going in a right direction! .. I have 3 more days and my goal  is to cover the major parts of blocking by 14th.  so that I attach all the bits of blocking and its ready atleast that much that ricky my clients gets the over view or the idea of how the final bit is going to look. This is what so far i have done with tony walker .. get ready to see him finished and rendered and editted soon ...#

Thanks XXX



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