Wednesday 30 January 2013

Sketching - Designing character And Ideas


I was always inspired by the weird  looking creatures and  liked to all-ways collect some pictures from google some of them are below :
Everything like this really always Inspired me. Perhaps, For this major project As I decided to choose modelling as a subject then I thought this is a correct time to put my ideas on paper . 
I noticed These creatures are weird looking like evil .And big sharp teeth , long nails , and sharp look gives more appealing appearance to these creatures .So I want to do something similar to this  .

Then I thought about humanoid Animal - i.e. also called  Anthropomorphism - which means Attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behavior to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena.
Later when I was  doing research on what kind of creature I want to do .I came across a article which says 
Near the Safaniya beach in the eastern province. investigation resulted that there are more than 3500 for this kind of human-animal in the tanajib area. It is 25 years since last time it was seen in the tanajib area a creature with half crocodile and half human was found .
Reported story in 1920

Below is the picture of the creature mentioned in the article :

And this particular part Interested me ......................

"So, I decided to do a Anthro-crocodile "
Then I started looking for the past work for more inspiration and reference

I also got to know about a movie Creatures terror has teeth  2011 which has crocodile character

which inspired me to go for character like muscular with a  tail like croc .
The another very intresting Inspiration  was character Renekhton from Riot games League of  Legends

The one Thing I would like to change in this character is  reduce the clothes  as this character is a crocodile The very impressive part is the skin texture and I would like to add as a major point or can say a attraction point within the my created  character . So I would keep the character open body with very less clothes and less accessories and targeting more on the skin texture.I think skin texture of a crocodile  is wha tit  makes one look at crocodile and say Wow . Therefore the Wow factor of character modelling in this project lies in the texture of the skin .

Therefore Taking all these points in mind I started sketching a character I also used site to undestand  the muscular forms to sketch a new Anthro croc  character

Below is the first design  I made(quick snap shot)

Below is the second design I made (quick snap shot)

Further I am Thinking to use second design for this project

Reason One : Its different from all the existing work in its body type as a Anthro croc
Reason two: I like the way I have presented It
Reason three: I took audience pole and majority  select drawing two .

Further I am slso going to add colour in the choose sketch and also clean it up and do more decent sketches on this .

I hope you like my idea . and I am looking forward to go through the pass 1 where my professor will approve the design and I start modelling the character  from 2nd feb 2012 according to the schedule .Untill then I will be doing some more sketches with similar design no 2 !

Thank you ..

Wish me luck !

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