Tuesday 16 October 2012

16th october 2012 - A day of new rise

This is a day when I thought about to take building up my blogg. And yes I feel proud of me that I finally made it. I always used to think about this but I always postponed it.This may be because I thought that "I will do this when the I am perfect In my animation world ,moreover when I will be Much capable to put my fab kinda work on here and make some fab blogs" I think the day has come . I am very much capable now in my third year and wanna make my site and make people know me with my fabulous  work . 
I'm Neha Sadre , I'm basically from India , Bombay . I came United Kingdom in 2010 with the passion in ANIMATION. I am pursuing BA In Animation Design from De Mont Fort University , Leicester UK.I am in Third year will Graduate in 2013.I also did my art and design Foundation Course from FAD Institute (Accredited to Cambridge university )Pune , India.(2009-2010).
How I thought to enter this 3 Dimensional world of animation ?
I believe Passion " is an intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for something". One day , I visited a family friend who just spoke about animation and at that time Animation was booming in India .  That was a time when I was pursuing second year In Electronic engineering from D Y Patil College , Nerul, India . But I never Wanted to do what my dad did( he is from kinda same background). So , After getting a  Rough Idea from this uncle I thought to visit a small institute name IMAGE Academy near by my house and they showed me a demo of what exactly animation is and it can do.
I was amazed...That day made my life . I decided , This is what I am born for. My journey was hard . I had no one who can trust me and allow me to drop out from engineering and let me go for animation when I had no one to tell me what is this field going to give me when I will be graduated. But, I believed in  me and my god and my talent, of course ! Perhaps , when I say "  Passion " is an intense emotion compelling feeling, enthusiasm, or desire for something" I mean When I feel I do it from deep core of my heart , when it comes to enthusiasm I put my mind , body and soul all in it . And when I desire ,I desire BIG!
This Mantra is given by Mom to me and I always make sure I walk on this path . I love her lot . She is supported me through out my journey and was the only person who trusted me in all my decisions. She is wonderful lady , a fab mother , understanding wife ,  loyal businesswoman and out of all she is a good soul thats what makes her" THE BEST".
Thanks to Dad , Who supported me Financially or could have never reached to this place where I am today .That was you who has given me everything and I can never pay you back . You have done a very big thing which most fathers would never do for a nasty , hyper active and such a wanton person like me . But I know I have made you proud and will make you feel more better in coming days . 
Thanks to my sister with all her love she has given me when I was away from home and longing to get some piece of my love from my  people. 
This is how I started and now I will never stop ...
soon will be updating all my works and publish it . I wish to see critics and compliments . 
Its a rising day ... 
Have fun .. cheers !!!

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